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Ummah College

UMMAH provides professional employment experiences for students, giving them the opportunity to test-drive a career before they enter the workforce. The benefits are obvious—during their time at UMMAH, students can participate in any of students club to enhance and thrust their true capabilities.At Ummah we connect our students with professionals and brings their Handon experience back into the classroom.

Because of this, UMMAH students already built a professional network and are positioned to lead the workforce of tomorrow. It’s not just our motto, it’s our practice. Hands-on experience is a critical part of our education system. In research and practicals, in creative work and performance, we make the connections between learning and doing, between imagination and action.


Message for students

This is your moment

Ummah is a place of intense energy and creativity, built on a foundation of academic excellence. It is the ideal place in which to study and design the world you want.

Ummah's Vision

We provide Objective Base Education to our students to excel in Personal and Professional aspects to lead the Muslim Ummah.

UMMAH'S Mission

We provide Objective Base Education to our students to excel in Personal and Professional aspects to lead the Muslim Ummah.

Salient Features


We Offer

program banner

To The Journey Ahead

We support Talent

Merit Base

Need Base


Orphan Students

Teachers children

Kinship Based

Note: Student can avail only one type of scholarship.

our values